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Mission & Values

Our Mission

To make much of God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Values

We seek to reflect the glory of God in all that we do by growing to look more and more like Jesus Christ. To accomplish this we focus our resources and efforts in ministry at all levels on achieving five primary tasks as the church:


Exalting God in Worship

We aim to make much of God by exalting his worth when we gather collectively for times of worship and in every aspect of our daily lives. 

(Psalm 95; Acts 2:46-47; Romans 12:1-2)​


Equipping Ourselves with the Word

We believe the Bible is God’s inspired word and in equipping ourselves with it through the expositional, Christ exalting preaching of the Word. 

(2 Timothy 3:16; 4:1-5)​


Engaging the Nations and Our Neighbors in Mission

We are a Great Commission Church and seek to engage the nations and our neighbors with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

(Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 5:13-16; Acts 1:8)​


Empowering Ourselves through Prayer

We believe God hears our prayers and by praying we are acknowledging that we need God to work and empower us to accomplish the mission he has called us to.

(Acts 2:42)​


Existing Together in Community

We seek to exist as a community of believers that promote and live out true biblical fellowship.

(Hebrews 10:19-25; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

Statement of Faith

Here at Poplar Springs Baptist Church, we have adopted the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as our statement of faith.


This statement allows us to delineate and promote unity in the essentials of our faith, while allowing liberties in non-essentials. For more detailed information, click the link below.


PSBC Statement of Faith

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